What competencies in the field of genomics are there in Italy? What the equipment for the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)? And where are they located exactly? This is the main information that the questionnaire devised by Area Science Park aims to collect. The goal is to map the competencies and the infrastructures in the field of genomics existing in Italian universities, IRCCS facilities (hospitals and clinics specialising in scientific research) and research centres.
Area Science Park aims to present a ‘snapshot’ of the current Italian situation in an effort to favour collaborative projects and shared actions to contextualise the national capacity within the global trends in the genomics and NGS domains.
The questionnaire falls within the activities of the Genomics and Epigenomics Platform, an infrastructure at the service of the world of research and business, implemented within the Argo System, a new industrial model based on process and product innovation designed to increase the economic productivity of the local area and generate new jobs.
The Genomics and Epigenomics Platform integrates the equipment already existing in the laboratories of Friuli Venezia Giulia, which recently saw the addition of a latest-generation sequencer (Illumina NovaSeq 6000) capable of processing 44 genomes in less than 2 days, a HPC -High Performance Computing system, the ORFEO Data Center, capable of offering massive processing power as well as advanced data analysis storage and long-term preservation services.
Taking part in the mapping survey is really easy: all you need to do is to answer the questionnaire available at this link Next Generation Sequencing by 20 October 2020. The estimated time required to answer the questions is 15 minutes.
All the respondents will be featured in the mapping and receive a free copy of the study.